Friday, November 30, 2012

RSS Feed Submissions

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed Submission is one of the most simple and excellent Search Engine Optimization tool for submitting your website's RSS feeds to popular directories and search engines. Feeds distributed in XML language, containing relevant keywords help to get quality inbound links and increase your ranking with search engines thereby increasing the traffic to your website.Feed Submission gets your website instant link popularity. How RSS Feeds Work:

RSS feed submission provides a direct as well as an indirect way to present yourself in front of influential bloggers. Your submitted feeds are indexed by RSS search engines like Google. When bloggers who have subscribed to search result feeds of these search engines look for keywords that may be embedded into your content, your feed is presented to them even if they have not directly subscribed to your RSS Feed.

Process of RSS Directory Submission:

The SEO specialist creates user accounts (if required) with high PR RSS directories relevant to your product and service. The feeds should be optimized using relevant and most important keywords for your product and service that become the anchor text providing backlinks from blogs and syndication sites. The RSS Feed Submission is done manually which requires detailed feed information. RSS Directory Submission is made to each appropriate category of chosen directories for optimum search engine visibility. After the submissions are complete, a detailed report containing a list of all submitted directories with their PR ranks is sent to the customer for verification.

Advantages of RSS Feed Submission:

RSS feed Submission helps you to get free inbound one way links with no reciprocal links needed in return.

Feed submission is an innovative way to broadcast your message, engage new potential customers and visitors with interesting and regularly updated content, and build a loyal reader base. This helps to increase the conversion rate of visitor to customer.

Feed Submission is an easy way to refresh your website content without actually making regular content updates. When you are short of time, you can use RSS feeds to supplement content, in order to keep your website looking fresh and engage search engine spiders. Similarly, by promoting your own pages via RSS, you make it easy for others to download, who might like to use your feeds to supplement their content, in order to give their website a fresh look.

RSS feed submission takes your website's content to thousands of audiences eventually increasing traffic to your website. Having some feeds on your website increases the visitor experience and search engine rankings too.

Via submissions to RSS directories, you reach variety audiences in the form of professional editors and bloggers (looking for news to post); webmasters (looking to add content to their website); and consumers (looking for interesting news reads).

Unique RSS feeds achieve great results in viral marketing as the content can be picked up by hundreds of browsers within hours and provide instant link popularity. High page rank manual directory submission provides huge benefits in the form of increased search engine rankings and visitor popularity.

Increase Your Website Traffic With RSS Feeds   Use RSS to Increase Your Page Ranking   What Is RSS? And Why You Must Have It   Are RSS Feeds Important?   What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   

How CEO's Can Use Axiology To Improve The Bottom Line Part I

In today's fast-paced business world, CEO's are trying to keep up with change and adapt to the global marketplace, constantly searching the horizon for an edge over the competition.

One thing they overlook is very close to home. In fact it is just down the hall from them.

It's their very own employees.

By learning how to unlock the hidden potential of your employees and executives you can create multiple leverage points for your business that your competition cannot duplicate because it's unique to you. Your employee mix is yours and yours alone. You owe it to your company to get the best from your employee's; their minds, their strengths and their keen abilities.

Imagine if all employees utilized all their strengths and could know and understand the roadblocks that hold them back? Playing at the "top of their game" they would make better decisions for the company, help reduce expenses and contribute to higher profits.

So much can be achieved by simply knowing a person's strengths. It can help build confidence in their ability to make and carry out decisions. It's as critical to know the areas in which they need help. Create an atmosphere where people are not afraid to ask for help or guidance.

Employees become more willing to ask for help before a situation becomes critical if they accept, that like others, they are not perfect and nobody really "knows it all". This fear of asking for help holds people back and stunts the growth of companies. When nothing holds a person back, he/she can surge forward with the power and confidence of someone on a mission.

So the question to ask is, "How do we structure a program for our people to discover their true strengths and their roadblocks to achievement?"

The answer is a little known science called Axiology, the study of values and judgments. The Value Profile is the tool of Axiology that unlocks a person's hidden value. It reveals how you can make better decisions based on how you think and what you value.

Here is a scenario to give you an idea on how Axiology and the Value Profile help CEO's obtain greater leverage from an employee's strength.

The CEO, lets call him Richard, has to make a tough decision. He needs to expand his company in order to keep ahead of the competition. Richard decides to put someone in charge of a Special Projects team to determine where the company's best opportunities for the future are.

Using the Value Profile, Richard can accurately measure and compare possible candidates for the position. There are 120 different critical areas with pinpoint and objective information that can be obtained from each individual.

The first section of the report determines a person's skill in Deciding What Needs to Be Done. This report measures a candidate's ability to decide what issues are relevant and what issues require attention. The findings would provide insight on the candidate's ability to rely on analytical as well as "gut" instincts, both critical allies to executives making important decisions.

The profile also provides laser accuracy into how well a candidate "sees the big picture" and how the pieces of the picture fit together to make a whole.

Added insights include measuring ability to use practical thinking and the ability to project a goal into the future and develop a plan to attain it.

In the second section of the report, Developing a Strategy, Richard gains insights on the candidate's ability to plan and manage the project. This is the only tool that provides you with specifics of how each candidate can plan for consequences of actions and decisions, and how he reacts to crises. As a CEO, it's more important than ever for you to know which candidate best knows how to quickly identify the source of a problem and the factors relating to the problem.

You can know which candidate has the best combination of skills to manage the project and move your company forward if you know who has the ability to come up with alternative solutions for problems and who can control the flow of events.

But it doesn't stop there. You can take an even closer look at your selection of candidates. In the third section of the report you take out your magnifying glass and see the management abilities of the candidates.

Utilizing this section of the report, Richard can benchmark each candidate's ability to identify problems and critical issues. You know how well they can determine what needs to be done and whether or not they know how to do it in the most effective manner.

Another component of the report tells you if they can determine and understand what is needed to carry out your objectives, whether they are clear about potential problems and the abilities of their people to resolve those situations.

The last part of this section provides Richard with a clear picture of which candidates are best equipped to create an efficient process or manage a system that others can follow.

These are a few of the many insights Axiology and the Value Profile can provide Richard and other CEO's who want to fulfill the vision they have for the future of their company.

There's more to come; this is the first part of a three part article series. In the second article Richard, our CEO, will discover how he can assess the candidates' organizational abilities, inner drive to succeed, and how much of a self-starter each candidate is.

(c) 2004, Team Results Inc. and Axelrod & Associates, All rights in all media reserved. Reprint rights granted so long as the article and the by-lines are reprinted intact.

How CEO's Can Use Axiology To Improve The Bottom Line Part I   

Workers' Compensation Rights - Understanding Employers and Employees Workers' Compensation Rights

Many of us put in our 40 hours, more or less, of work each week. Do we stop to think about what would happen if we had an accident while on the job? Many of our jobs do not require physical stamina but mishaps can still occur. Knowing what one's Workers Compensation rights are before they are needed will benefit both the employer as well as the employee.

Every state has set into place a unique set of rights for both the employer as well as the employee if an event of bodily harm were to occur. Every employer is to provide a copy of these rights to their employee's; usually the information is provided at the time of the hiring as well as posted where all employees can view them. It is not imperative that the rights are read, although they should be, it is a good idea to know that the workers compensation rights do exist and how to get proper assistance if needed.

In the event that bodily harm occurs during working hours and while on the clock, one's immediate supervisor must be contacted as soon as possible. It is imperative that the employer knows of the incident. This may sound like a waste of time, especially if the harm is minor, but in reality it is not. The incident must be noted in the employees' record for future reference, this is in case the injury becomes more serious and the appropriate medical care can be properly given per State workers compensation rights laws.

If an injury does occur and the assigned workers compensation doctor states that the employee must be off work for a certain amount of time, the employee can receive financial benefits. Financial payments that are generated are based upon the worker's average weekly wages. For the State of Oklahoma and, the most current (year 2010) State of Oklahoma Permanent Partial Disability or PPD rate is computed at 70% up to a maximum of $323.00.

Oklahoma workers compensation rights are provided per the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Act which follows current state legislative and Court changes. If circumstances require additional funds or the funds are denied, the employee may submit an appeal. Depending upon the situation, legal counsel may be necessary for assistance in fully understanding the laws as well as the steps that may need to taken to appeal with the State.

Finding an attorney who is knowledgeable in both the common laws as well as the State's workers compensation laws is important as this will make the appeal process go smooth within the Court system as well as it is more likely that the employee will receive a higher settlement than if appealed themselves.

Not being able to work due to an injury that occurred while on the job is not what any employee or employer wants to happen. Understanding one's workers compensation rights is beneficial so that in the event that a mishap does occur, the financial compensation process will be less stressful and move at a quicker pace. Having an attorney, if needed, who can help with getting the most from workers compensation rights for either the employee or employer is key to a successful case for everyone.

Jones Act Lawyer - Your Protection   Train & Railroad Accidents and Railroad Employees   New York Wage and Hour Law   How to Fight For Unpaid Overtime   

Ten Tips for Choosing the Right Direct Sales Company

Direct sales can be your ticket to a profitable home-based business. There's low risk and low overhead - and you'll find lots of conversation, creativity, and cooperation among the company's representatives. But how do you know which company is right for you? Here are ten things to look for as you research your options.

1. Products. Successful direct sales consultants exude a genuine enthusiasm for their products. Before joining a company, you'll need to have the inner conviction that your company brings products and an opportunity that no other company can. It's important for you to get your hands on the products before you sign. Place an order or, at the very least, request a catalog and product samples before joining.

2. Passion. Does this company involve a business you are truly passionate about? One of the nice things about a direct sales business is that you can often find one that suits your personal passion...whether it's cooking, home décor, beauty, or scrapbooking & cardmaking. And when you're genuinely enthusiastic about the industry and the product, you'll feel as though you are sharing, teaching, and helping - not selling.

3. Initial investment. What kind of cash outlay will your start-up require? Look closely at the company's joining fee and/or the cost of your business starter kit, but also think realistically about how much inventory you'll need to have on hand and what kinds of business supplies or products you'll need to get your business started.

4. Monthly minimums. What kind of personal sales volume is required? Are you ready to invest the time and energy that this level of business building requires?

5. Compensation Plan. Each direct sales plan is different, and it's important to look over the fine print. What is the commission rate and how is it paid? How are you awarded for recruiting others? How does the company handle breakaways?

6. Control. How much control do you have over the way you build and promote your business? Ask to see the company "rule book" before signing on.

7. Support. What kind of support networks are in place? How involved in the business is your upline? (Is your upline able to answer the questions in this article, for example?) How quickly does he/she return phone calls and emails?

8. Advertising. What kind of advertising and promotion does the company deem acceptable? Most companies have rules for the way their logo and trademarks are represented, both online and off.

9. Accessibility. Does the company offer exclusive products? Also, take a look at the level of saturation in your particular market. A newer company that offers quality products may hold a lot of promise in your particular industry.

10. E-commerce. Does the company have an e-commerce option? Many direct sales companies are now offering replicated websites so each representative can promote an individual online presence. A few direct sales companies even have shopping carts alongside these websites so you can make sales online, too, with the product dropshipped from the home office.

Take your time researching your options. When you have found the company that's right for you, you'll know it.

5+5 = Your Dream   

Ten Tips for Choosing the Right Direct Sales Company

Direct sales can be your ticket to a profitable home-based business. There's low risk and low overhead - and you'll find lots of conversation, creativity, and cooperation among the company's representatives. But how do you know which company is right for you? Here are ten things to look for as you research your options.

1. Products. Successful direct sales consultants exude a genuine enthusiasm for their products. Before joining a company, you'll need to have the inner conviction that your company brings products and an opportunity that no other company can. It's important for you to get your hands on the products before you sign. Place an order or, at the very least, request a catalog and product samples before joining.

2. Passion. Does this company involve a business you are truly passionate about? One of the nice things about a direct sales business is that you can often find one that suits your personal passion...whether it's cooking, home décor, beauty, or scrapbooking & cardmaking. And when you're genuinely enthusiastic about the industry and the product, you'll feel as though you are sharing, teaching, and helping - not selling.

3. Initial investment. What kind of cash outlay will your start-up require? Look closely at the company's joining fee and/or the cost of your business starter kit, but also think realistically about how much inventory you'll need to have on hand and what kinds of business supplies or products you'll need to get your business started.

4. Monthly minimums. What kind of personal sales volume is required? Are you ready to invest the time and energy that this level of business building requires?

5. Compensation Plan. Each direct sales plan is different, and it's important to look over the fine print. What is the commission rate and how is it paid? How are you awarded for recruiting others? How does the company handle breakaways?

6. Control. How much control do you have over the way you build and promote your business? Ask to see the company "rule book" before signing on.

7. Support. What kind of support networks are in place? How involved in the business is your upline? (Is your upline able to answer the questions in this article, for example?) How quickly does he/she return phone calls and emails?

8. Advertising. What kind of advertising and promotion does the company deem acceptable? Most companies have rules for the way their logo and trademarks are represented, both online and off.

9. Accessibility. Does the company offer exclusive products? Also, take a look at the level of saturation in your particular market. A newer company that offers quality products may hold a lot of promise in your particular industry.

10. E-commerce. Does the company have an e-commerce option? Many direct sales companies are now offering replicated websites so each representative can promote an individual online presence. A few direct sales companies even have shopping carts alongside these websites so you can make sales online, too, with the product dropshipped from the home office.

Take your time researching your options. When you have found the company that's right for you, you'll know it.

5+5 = Your Dream   

Fostering - A Challenging Task

Broken family relationships, physical ailments of parents, poverty and death of parents etc are reasons for many children to become dependent on care-taker families for their survival as well as growth. Small children when separated from their real parents undergo severe emotional turmoil and they can be brought back to their normal life by providing foster care. There are children who are driven out of their families or they come out of their homes due to fear, disappointment or hatred etc. For such children the foster parents can provide shelter, food and clothing for a temporary period and later under the initiative of the foster parents they can be reunited with their real parents. Those who voluntarily come forward as foster parents to other children must be prepared to provide safe accommodation and secured life to the children for few days or for few years. The children who are brought into foster families are able to shed their fear of insecurity and when they start to get the care and moral support of the carers they become hopeful of a secured and stable life.

The children who underwent a lot of sufferings and set backs during their childhood days undergo a transition when they are provided foster care. They start to grow physically as well as mentally, start developing their personality and set goals for them in their life. It is indeed a great service and the carers will be proud to see those brought up by them doing well in their life. Those who have enough support from their family members as well as friends can do much better in their roles as foster parents. Sometimes it may become strenuous as well as complicated and on such occasions support from others is quite necessary. Those who run such care centers must be in touch with other foster parents and by participation in the discussion forums and social functions arranged by various care centers provide them the opportunity to get acquainted to other foster parents and exchange their views and ideas.

Those who have their own family must obtain the consent of the family members prior to becoming carers. The partner and own children of the carer must be more than willing to share the home and facilities with those children who were brought into the family from outside. Adopting a child is quite different from being the carer of a child. Fostering is a temporary task. In case of adoption, adopted parents have legal responsibility of the child.

One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   

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